Friday, February 09, 2007

Living On Spiritual Junk Food

Our children have grown up going to the zoo. Any zoo will usually do, though we do have our favorites. Lowry Park in Tampa is certainly exceptional, as well as the zoo in Toledo, Ohio, complete with its world renowned polar bear exhibit. Neither, as well, requires a second mortgage on your house to get in.

If you have ever gone to the zoo (and it doesn’t matter which one) you have no doubt noticed at some of the exhibits the signs that say something like, “Do not feed the animals.” Have you ever looked at what those animals eat and then think about the signs? Most are on all natural healthy diets of food they need to be eating. Will they eat your cotton candy, corn dog, funnel cake and fries and drink your soda? Sure they will, but those who are in the know will tell you it is not good for them and with such a considerable investment in these animals, the zoos don’t want the animals to have it.

Thus, it may be best to reword those signs to say, “Don’t feed our animals the same junk that you feed yourself and your kids. It makes the animals as unhealthy as you are.” Of course in the politically correct society in which we live, you will never see such a sign.

Of course you won’t see those signs in many places of religion either. You know what I mean…the sign that says, “Don’t feed the Christians spiritual junk food.” Too many Christians want to eat on the junk of the world and partake in the pleasures of the world, which kill spiritually (slowly of course so we don’t notice), and yet still be separate from the world. We want to pretend we are in a God controlled habitat, but still, as the world passes by, take the nibbles and bites and handouts it offers. When we do, we are of the same health spiritually as those in the world.

In this day, feast on his word and revel in the glory of a perfect relationship with your creator.
